Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 02:57:41 -0500 Reply-To: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group Sender: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group From: Hugh Lovel Subject: Field Broadcasting Comments: To:, Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Biodynamic Field Broadcasting Comes of Age! Field broadcasting is an economical, effective way to apply all the biodynamic preparations all the time to onešs land. This makes biodynamics do-able for everyone. By broadcasting the resonant, fractal patterns of homeopathic potencies of the biodynamic preparations directly into the organizational energy fields of soil and atmosphere these patterns are applied night and day 365 days a year. HISTORY Etheric field broadcasting grew out of the work of T. Galen Hieronymus who discovered that life forces, which are dynamic organizational patterns of energy, can be broadcast over large acreages with stationary, self-driven induction equipment. He called his invention a Cosmic Pipe. Since Galen's first models several important discoveries have been made. EACH PROPERTY IS AN INDIVIDUALITY. It was Rudolf Steineršs insight that each agricultural property should be treated as a self-contained entity with well-defined boundaries. Every living organism has a skin, outer membrane or boundary. Otherwise the organizational forces that make it an organism, organic and alive, would leak away. This is even true of the solar system which is a dynamic vortexial system. Astronomers recently discovered a boundary region beyond the orbit of Pluto which they call the heliopause. Hieronymus's early Cosmic Pipes disregarded the idea of boundaries, and within 20 feet or so of these broadcasters plant growth typically was exceedingly strong, tapering off into the distance. Once broadcasting boundaries were introduced the life forces reflected back within the boundaries and built up evenly to higher overall levels. THOUGHT FORMS WORK WITH LIFE ENERGY. At first it wasn't clear that the broadcast had to be contained to be truly effective, but clearly it was inappropriate to to affect anyone else's land without their informed consent. What initially was seen as needed was a means to keep the broadcast within onešs property boundaries. Several methods were experimented with, but what proved most effective was using a xerox copy of an aerial photo or a survey map of the property with a line clearly drawn around the property. Placing this in the reagent well with the operatoršs written intent to broadcast within the boundary as marked created a thought form that life forces responded to. Our tests of this demonstrated that written intents are extremely effective in field broadcasting. THE ATMOSPHERE IS AS IMPORTANT AS THE SOIL. Hieronymus recognized the soil must be nourishing to grow good crops. However, what about the atmosphere where warmth and light cause fruiting and ripening? By building up the digestive and nutritive forces in the soil without similarly increasing photosynthesis, fruiting and ripening caused serious imbalances. Fruits and grains ended up being digested by insects and diseases before they matured. This problem was solved with a two-way broadcaster design for balanced buildup of both soil and atmospheric forces. FIELD BROADCASTERS REQUIRE TESTING AND CAN BE REPAIRED. Once we realized one-way broadcasting caused serious imbalances it became more of an issue to test periodically to see that both reagent wells worked. If either failed repair was necessary or imbalances developed. This required test terminals and a well design that allowed for repair. Obviously some of the early Cosmic Pipes failed without detection or repair. People installed and used them on faith. When units failed, who knew? BIODYNAMIC PREPARATIONS SUPPLY BOTH POLARITIES. Plants grow within the context of everything around them in the cosmos. The complete array of Biodynamic Preparations are needed to work with the downward, earthly, lime polarity and the upward, cosmic, silica polarity with clay mediating between these extremes. These preparations work with both the inner and outer members of the solar family as they affect living organisms on the earth. This way all the features of the immediate cosmic surroundings are stimulated in a complete and balanced way. THE INTEGRATING, MEDIATING EFFECT OF BIODYNAMIC HORN CLAY. Working with Greg Willis of AgriSynthesis we found that in traditional biodynamic practice there was one biodynamic preparation missing. Biodynamic Horn Clay. Horn Clay ties everything together as a whole and mediates between the various parts as does the blood to say nothing of the outer membrane or skin in a living organism. Even moreso clay is the means of transport in the soil and horn clay ensures a dynamic exchange between photosynthesis in the leaf and nourishment from the soil. By incorporating summer horn clay as the reagent for nutrient utilization in the upper well and winter horn clay as the reagent for nutrient absorbtion in the bottom well there is virtually no loss of energy at either extreme. Then the sugars formed by photosynthesis are transported to the roots to feed microorganisms, particularly the mycorhyzae and azotobacters that provide nourishment for the plant. Once this gets going nitrogen fertilization becomes undesirable as the plant will get its nitrogen as it needs it from soil bacteria in the form of amino acids which turn directly into protein. Quality as well as yield is then assured. BALANCING AND TUNING HOMEOPATHIC POTENCIES FOR EACH LOCALITY. In the light of Lili Koliskošs research regarding homeopathic potencies of biodynamic preparations we found it desirable to determine for every location the appropriate potencies for each biodynamic preparation. In each instance different conditions prevail, and achieving a finely tuned balance requires varying the homeopathic potencies. Sometimes in the middle of a crop year symptoms in the field will indicate an imbalance, and one particular prep potency or another can turn the situation completely around. ARCHETYPAL REAGENTS MADE FROM GEOMETRIC CARDS. Over the years it has proven generally inadvisable to put crude, raw materials such as lime, fertilizers or BD preps in our broadcasters as reagents. It has proven far more reliable to use homeopathic potencies of these. However, one of the problems long experienced with homeopathic potencies is that variations and inconsistencies creep in, not only between different people making potencies from different batches of materials, but even between one occasion and another for the same practitioner. In searching for something better we found that clear and consistent results were obtained using Malcolm Rae geometric cards which involve patterns of seven concentric circles. With geometric cards and a reader the card is inserted, the desired potency is dialed and the medium (such as sugar tablets) gets that potency built or patterened on it. These are the most reliable reagents we know of. REAGENTS SHOULD BE PERIODICALLY REPLACED. This is not because reagents wear out or lose their potency over time in a field broadcaster, but rather because over time conditions change and those reagents are no longer the most appropriate potencies to balance and improve vital conditions. How often reagents should be replaced for optimum results is not clear, but we recommend this at least annually. ONGOING RESEARCH Research with field broadcasters and organizational life force patterns is on-going at Union Agricultural Institute. We are learning more all the time. Many inquire if field broadcasters can get rid of one or another weed, insect or disease. This tends to be a piecemeal rather than an integrated approach and is not our priority in research. Our concern is to support crops by improving the entire environmental picture so that both quality and quantity of growth improve. This is a matter of boosting vitality in a balanced way rather than combatting nuisances. Frequently pests and diseases are signs of imbalances and bringing things into balance eliminates the problem. By balanced improvement wešve seen many weed, insect and disease problems diminish or disappear. Some pest problems, notably things like raccoon and deer damage, may increase. While it is likely we will find species specific remedies employing field broadcasters, we caution against such things as broadcasting dog urine to keep the deer out of the watermelons. It is likely to work, but do you want the watermelons to taste of dog urine? Last but not least, please DO NOT broadcast parathion or other poisons at all for any reason. Sure, it would keep corn ear worms out of the sweet corn. But it can be expected to have far more serious consequences as well. ORDERING A BROADCASTER Broadcaster units incorporate all of the above mentioned improvements, a revised approach to reagents, and a test meter to check continuity and circuit components at installation and whenever desired thereafter, There is a 3-year warranty on circuit components and there is replacement parts service if needed. Custom built models covering 1,000 or more acres are available on an experimental basis. A farm evaluation from the survey map and initial reagent package is also included. Inside a 250 mile radius from Blairsville we will install broadcasters at no additional cost. Outside of that radius involves travel expenses, but we would like to visit the farm, assemble the unit ourselves, dowse for an optimum location and in general give a dayšs consultation. This we feel assures success. Orders should include advance payment along with either an aerial photo or a survey map with complete outer property boundaries clearly and accurately marked. ORDER FROM: Union Agricultural Institute 8475 Dockery Road Blairsville, Georgia USA Ph: 706 745 6056 Fx: 706 745 4499 e-mail: §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ FIELD BROADCASTERS FOR APPLYING BIODYNAMIC PREPARATIONS HORN SILICA improves photosynthesis HORN MANURE enlivens the soil food web HORN CLAY envigorates the ebb and flow of sap All of which enables plants to provide sugars as root exudates to micro-organisms in the soil in exchange for amino acids and other nutrients, maximizing growth and allowing crops to reach their full genetic potential. Yields are assured even as inputs--particularly nitrogen fertilizers--are reduced or eliminated. Just as importantly quality is improved in all respects. With a field broadcaster, installed for as little as $2 per acre in the first year and 20 cents an acre thereafter, you can achieve self sufficiency while setting aside the headaches and expenses of effective application of biodynamic preparations. Crops become less vulnerable to weather extremes while weed and insect problems receed. Contact Hugh Lovel or Lorraine Cahill at: 8475 Dockery Road Blairsville, Georgia 30512 706 745 6056