-------- Date: Tue, 13 Oct 92 11:51 -0100 From: Eng-Leong_Foo_MIRCEN-KI%MICFORUM@MICA.MIC.KI.SE To: natura-l@uchcecvm.bitnet, cyano-tox@grearn.bitnet, micronet@uoguelph.bitnet, envst-l@brownvm.bitnet, econet@miamiu.bitnet, biosph-l@ubvm.bitnet, sanet-mg@oes.orst.edu, devel-l@auvm.american.edu, biodiv-l@bdt.ftpt.ansp.br, ecolog-l@umdd.bitnet, agric-l@uga.bitnet Subject: 2nd BNFNET Annual Computer Conference 2nd BNFNET Annual Computer Conference Theme: Ecology of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Date: 1st Nov - 31 Jan 1993 Biological Nitrogen Fixation Electronic Network invites you to participate in its 2nd BNFNET Annual Computer Conference on the Ecology of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria. Paper presentations and discussions will be related to - * Approaches and methodologies for identification, monitoring and population studies of natural and genetically manipulated nif bacteria. * Nitrogen fixing bacteria in their natural habitats, extreme environments, symbiotic and associative relationships with other organisms, plants & animals * Role of nitrogen fixation bacteria in biocycles, agricultural and cropping systems, reforestations, and land reclamation. * International programmes and projects on ecology of nitrogen fixing bacteria To participate, kindly send the message: "ADD ME TO 2BNFCC" to eng-leong_foo_mircen-ki%micforum@mica.mic.ki.se If you wish to present a paper (2-4 pages), kindly send the title of your paper to BNFCC-WG@SEARN.SUNET.SE To join BNFNET, send the message SUBSCRIBE BNFNET-L to LISTSERV@FINHUTC FROM: Eng-leong Foo, Karolinska Institute, 10401 Stockholm, Sweden Unesco Microbial Resources Center & Dept of Bacteriology Phone: 46-8-7287145 Fax: 46-8-331547 email: eng-leong_foo_mircen-ki%micforum@mica.mic.ki.se