From Thu Mar 24 23:22:01 1994 Date: Thu, 24 Mar 1994 12:43:57 -0800 From: To: Subject: QUERY: Cover Crops and Verticillium Wilt Does anyone have any information on specific cover crops and positive or negative effects on verticillium wilt? The SARE/ACE Project Summaries mention a potato project in Idaho led by Jerry Stark finding that "Sudangrass green manure grown prior to potatoes reduced Verticillium wilt by 60% and increased potato yields by as much as 30% compared with fallow treatments." Any other info? The person who asked me is considering planting olives in a cotton field that has a Verticillium problem, and he's looking for nonchemical ways to reduce the problem first. He asked specifically about cover crops, but I suppose other approaches would be of interest, too. Jill Auburn SAREP, Univ Calif