From Sat Sep 20 12:59:06 1997 Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 11:23:18 +1000 From: "Alenson, Chris CJ" To: "''" Subject: Greensand & other rock dusts The debate about rock or mineral dusts and their potential for use in agricultural is an interesting one. Most rock dusts whether they might be granite, basalt, diorite, etc consist of a range of minerals, often silicates which are not particularly soluble. Basalt for example with its range of minerals contains upwards of 50 or more elements many of which are valuable sources of nutrition for plants if they can be mobilized. To think only of solubility as a factor in providing plants with nutrition perhaps is acting as a disservice in dispensing with possible sources of mineral nutrition for plants. Through time rocks weather due to physical, chemical and biological factors. Elements are released and either go into the soil solution where they might be taken up by plant roots or leached through these weathering factors and lost for ever into streams and into the sea. This is particularly so for the elements calcium, magnesium and potassium. The other mechanism for storage of these released elements is in the exchange complex of the soil where the elements might be attached to soil colloids such as clays and humus. They are held against the weathering forces but can be accessed by plants through the principle of cation exchange. The question may now be asked how can these seemingly insoluble minerals release their elements such that plants might benefit from them. Many papers have been published that attest to the release of plant nutrients from minerals and rock dusts by organic acids released from decomposing organic matter ( humic acids) and from soil micro organisms. Acids such as malic, citric, acetic are but some of the weak acids produced by these micro organisms that have been demonstrated to be able to release the so -called insoluble elements. As growers the question then remains, how can my management practices assist with these processes. The addition of rock dusts with compost or with the incorporation of a green manure/cover crop provides the opportunity for increased biological activity and organic acids to make some of these elements available for plant nutrition. Just as lime has to be incorporated with the soil for best effect so the addition of rock dusts requires this incorporation and more. For example the addition of rock phosphate with compost produces a product that is equal in trials to the addition of single superphosphate. Don't discard the opportunity to rebuild your soils with rock dusts if it can be done cost effectively. If the source is local and transport costs are low then give it a go. Trials we have carried out with farmers have definitely demonstrated the benefit. Know your rock type, don't choose mono minerallic rocks such as quartz thinking they will contain a broad range of minerals. Ask a geologist or your quarry manager what the rock type is and access material which has the consistency of talcum powder. The finer the powder the greater the surface area that can be attacked by soil acids. We have always seen the addition of mineral bearing dusts as supplementing the soil for now and the future and not a replacement for sound soil management practice based on soil analysis, correct liming, stocking rates, rotations, etc. I welcome further debate on this issue. Chris Alenson Technical Adviser Organic Advisory Service Organic Retailers & Growers Association of Australia