STAR REACH by Interplay

Previewed by Ross Erickson

With the success of games like Master of Orion, Starflight, and Star Control 2, it's no surprise to see more entries into this category of space sim/conquest. Star Reach is the latest entry into this genre, soon to be released by Interplay. This real-time, simulataneous action/strategy game is an interesting blend of economic strategy with pure reflex outer- space combat. As the player, you are in command of an expedition to conquer and control a galaxy of alien worlds with plenty of options at your disposal. Ultimately, victory is achieved by controlling every planet in the galaxy or by destroying your enemies' headquarters. If you lose your own H.Q., you're toast. You have at your disposal a vast fleet to assist you in setting up colonies on other planets, which, in turn, can be setup to take advantage of the available resources for either trade or production of goods for trade, or production of weapons.

The graphics in Star Reach are extraordinarily stunning. I was particularly impressed with the ray-traced ships, the high-quality audio, and a very natural interface. With a great deal of flexibility in scenario setup, there's a lot of replayability in the game. You can also play another human player or deal with a very capable computer opponent. Up to four alien races can compete in a scenario at one time, while two of the four can be human controlled.

Players of Master of Orion or Star Control 2 will most certainly feel right at home with Star Reach. The game is expected to ship by the end of May.

This preview is Copyright (C) 1993 by Ross Erickson for Game Bytes Magazine. All rights reserved.