There are a lot of inquiries about where to find Game Bytes on local BBS sites. Given that there are well over 50,000 BBS systems at work in the world, it would be impossible to try to upload Game Bytes to them all. Many hard-working sysops take the time to either upload Game Bytes them- selves or make arrangements to have it available on their boards, so we want to point these out to you. This database will grow over time so keep checking it often if your home-town BBS doesn't currently show up on the list.

If you would like to have Game Bytes on your local BBS and have the name/number listed here, contact the sysop and have him/her get each issue from EXEC-PC (details listed in every issue). Then let us know the name, location, and phone number of the BBS and we'll make sure it's included in the database.

Thanks for reading Game Bytes!

NAME                        LOCATION             PHONE NUMBER      
EXEC-PC (HOME BBS)    Milwaukee, WI        414-789-4210 (2400)
(located in the Free Files area,           414-789-4352 (HST)
 section G)                                414-789-4360 (9600)
                                           414-789-4500 (V.FAST)

NITELOG IMAGING       Northern CA          408-655-8297 (14.4)

THE SPORTS BOARD      Toronto, Canada      416-588-7815 (24-28.8K)

SILVER SOFTWARE       Albuquerque, NM      505-268-8502 (14.4)

TEMPLE OF KNOWLEDGE   Rome, Italy          39-6-546880 (2400-19.2)

ENJOY BBS             Hong Kong, Asia      852-398-2059
                      E-mail: 71:700/0@UltraNet, 6:700/648@FidoNet

TORPS PRODUCTIONS     Melbourne, Australia 61-3-813-3699 (14.4k)

OMNY BBS              Rio de Janeiro       +55-021-521-1574

NIELS KLIM BBS        Riehen/BS, Switz.    ++41-61-641 6208 (USR 21.6)
                                           ++41-61-641 6221 (Hayes 28.8)
                                           ++41-61-641 6230 (ZyXEL 19.2)
                                           ++41-61-643 2039 (ISDN X.75/V.110)