by Ross Erickson

Welcome to another edition of, "As The Games Turn...". Yes, sports fans, it's that time of the year again. The time when we all gather in the Windy City for the summer rendition of ... the Summer Consumer Electronics Show! (Holy COW!!). As the REAL news starts next week, we'll keep this brief and to the point about what new and exciting stuff you can expect to hear about at CES. In other words, you heard it here first, Game Bytes fans! Here's a brief rundown of some of the more exciting pieces of news that will make the front page of news at the show:

It's happened! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED! The GREATEST game of all time is being redone in full color splendor on today's hottest hardware. Of course, I speak of LODE RUNNER! And it's coming to you from .... (drum roll please...) DYNAMIX, specifically Jeff Tunnell and his talented crew of Incredible Machine and Incredible Toons fame. I'm thrilled to death about this one. Watch for the full Ted-Turner-colorized Lode Runner to appear in August with all pieces intact and a few extra bells and whistles (though not enough to spoil the original fun).

On the subject of Dynamix, BATTLEDROME will be making its appearance later in the year than was expected. FRONT PAGE SPORTS: BASEBALL is tracking for an early July release. In the stead of Battledrome, we can expect a new (?) Metaltech adventure called EARTH SIEGE out by August also. ALIEN LEGACY should be shipping by the end of June.

What is particularly noticeable is how many companies, small and large, are NOT going to be in attendance at C.E.S. this go 'round. Among the notables, Sega of America with their "We have our own zipcode" size booth, Electronic Arts, Accolade, Activision, and a few other smaller companies. The cost/benefit ratio was strictly the measuring stick for this summer and C.E.S. came out on the short end of the stick for some of these larger companies.

It's always fun to check out some of the celebrities who attend CES in the guise of supporting their license. Talk about fish out of water! Access will be proud to have Margot Kidder of 'UNDER A KILLING MOON' fame present for a day. One can typically count on a sports celebrity or two to make an appearance, though it's doubtful that Shaquille O'Neal will be present to talk about 'SHAQ FU', his fighting game cart from Electronic Arts. It's not likely we'll his his 'Airness' either in support of MICHAEL JORDAN: CHAOS IN THE WINDY CITY. That's pretty much out of the question because...EA won't be there either!!

Finally, if there is ANY trend to watch for at this CES, it will be the 'attack of the Doom clones!'. At first thought, I can count of at least 6 games that will be "just as good as Doom" on display at some stage during CES. That's o.k. though. Even today Doom vexes this magazine schedule like no either event. One particular exciting Doom wanna-be is expected to be unveiled by Interplay. DESCENT sounds like the designers know exactly what makes Doom tick and is expected to match it and raise the ante a notch. Personally, as a gamer as well as a writer, I think this is great.

One final tidbit before I sign off.... you flight sim nuts, remember how much fun you had flying Chuck Yeager's Air Combat from Brent Iverson? Remember how you wondered where Brent went and what he's been doing for several years now? You won't have to wonder much longer!! Get ready to strap yourself in again 'real soon now' (TM).

Enjoy this Game Bytes and we'll give you full skinny on all the CES poop next issue.

Ross Erickson