Chuck Elliott of Washington writes...

I believe that Gamebytes represents it, in that it is a form that paper venues will evolve into.

Our planets state being what it is, any voluntary changes taken to help diminish our demand on natural resources can only help! And as long as you don't have a wood-burning or coal-fired Personal Computer, data in electronic bytes is the way to go!

This electronic magazine is something that follows a vision of the future, as more people, business's and homes obtain PC's, and the now not so frightening and awe inspiring, "Information Superhighway" has been made available to more people, who don't have to fight through an archaic or unfriendly OS, we will see the acceptability and use of different forms of communications go more mainstream.

What the future holds for us is anyones guess, mine is, it won't be a bad "B" movie where everyone dresses like Goofballs, ride on moving sidewalks, and have electric Dogs ! It will be as it has been, in the last 80 or so years not that much different, but moving in a Technological forward way. We will recognize it, because we'll have been a part of it all along.

Gamebytes = Tomorrow today!

GB: Wow!! I'm pretty impressed! I feel like Napoleon, Marco Polo, and Bill Gates all rolled into one!

I would like to see more technological comparisons, and breakdowns, (not literal!) of systems, sound cards, hard drives, and CD-ROM drives, A consumer shopper/alert kind of service.

GB: Good idea. We like to publish reviews of more than just games, that's for sure.

I would pay to be a regular subscriber!

GB: One of these days, I'm going to figure this out and stop being an economic idiot...

Keep up your excellent and revolutionary work!

GB: Thanks for the strong encouragement.