Previewed by Ross Erickson

Dark Sun II (DS2)...what to say, what to say... Well, basically take the world of Dark Sun I, enhance the graphics slightly, throw in an entirely new storyline and you have Dark Sun II: Wake of the Ravager. Of course, this description is entirely unfair to DS2. There's a lot of game here and you DON'T have to play DS1 before you start DS2.

The story does continue from DS1. The dragon's death leaves a power vacuum in the city of Tyr and though the Templars still control the bureaucracy, they have no effective power to enforce it. This leaves room for all kinds of malcontents and troublemakers to enter the scene and anarchy begins to reign.

The CD version will feature digitized voices throughout and many cinematic sequences that really enhance the flavor of the game. There are plenty of monsters and adversaries in DS2 so get ready for some serious hack'n slash. Everything is mouse controlled with fairly intuitive use of the screen and its controls. SSI expects gamers to spend 50-100 hours of serious gameplay to discover the world of Dark Sun and solve the mysteries of this world.

Dark Sun II should be shipping by the end of September.

This preview is Copyright (C) 1994 by Ross Erickson for Game Bytes Magazine. All rights reserved.