by Nathan Cochrane

"These are the continuing voyages of the Starship Enterprise ..."

Take the role of any of the TNG's starfleet officers in this latest offering from Spectrum Holobyte. After a fierce bidding battle with Paramount over the rights to licence the epic series' interactive games, Spectrum's experience in creating quality sims won the day.

The Enterprise has been called to a strange planet in order to solve a series of crippling crises that threaten to wreak utter devastation. Incorporating a fascinating plot and intricate puzzle elements with state- of-the-art graphics and sonics, ST:TNG promises to be one of the first games to make the best use of the current CD-ROM technology.

Many of the cinematic animations have been rendered on Silicon Graphics workstations, with rest of the 'interactive' sequences using rotoscoped sprites and digitally retouched statics from the original vision.

Due out soon, ST:TNG will appeal to the legion of the show's fans who are in mourning at the successful series' demise.

This preview is Copyright (C) 1994 by Nathan Cochran for Game Bytes Magazine. All rights reserved.