Southern Exposure Library:
Southern History and Culture

Set of six: $18, or individually as priced below.

When Old Worlds Meet
On the 500th anniversary of the "discovery" of North America, we explore the history and culture of the original Southerners -- Native Americans -- from Columbus to the present. Comes with a resource packet on Native Americans. Great for high school a nd college teachers.
(Issue #87, Spring 1992) $5.

Liberating Our Past
A comprehensive reader of 400 years of Southern history you weren't taught in school: the first Indian revolt, black freedom struggles on the eve of white independence, lives of slave women, a planter's view of justice, anti-labor violence, racism vs. unionism, sexual politics, and lynching.
(Issue #54, November/December 1984) $4.

No More Moanin'
A 225-page oral history special on Southerners and the Great Depression: organizing sharecroppers, coal mining wars (1890-1930), the 1929 Gastonia strike, the first sit-down of auto workers, slavery, Louisiana's Llano Cooperative, and the 1919 Knoxvil le race riots.
(Issue #3-4, Spring 1974) $3.50.

The War Within
A look at the lingering legacy of the Civil War, examining what it means to say the South "lost" a war that abolished slavery; today's battles over the use of the Confederate flag and other Civil War symbols.
(Issue #79, Spring 1990) $5.

Black, White, and Brown
An examination of what has changed since the 1954 landmark Supreme Court ruling, Brown v. Board of Education, which helped spark the civil rights movement and dismantle state-sanctioned apartheid.
(Issue #96, Summer 1994) $5.

Mark of the Beast
Thorough coverage of the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan: history, confrontations in Mississippi and elsewhere, a compelling interview by Studs Terkel, "Why I Quit The Klan," and "Lessons From a History of Struggle." Also, the union-busting consultants who thwart labor organizing today.
(Issue #30, Summer 1980) $3. Limited supply available.

© 1996 by the Institute for Southern Studies
P.O. Box 531
Durham, NC 27702

Phone: (919) 419-8311
Fax: (919) 419-8315

Last Updated 10/28/96