
b-greek-digest V1 #937

b-greek-digest            Friday, 3 November 1995      Volume 01 : Number 937

In this issue:

        Re: Periphrastic Aorist
        Re: Romans 4:13


From: "Carl W. Conrad" <cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:19:21 -0600
Subject: Re: Periphrastic Aorist

At 7:28 PM 11/1/95, Edgar M. Krentz wrote:
>>Edgar M. Krentz wrote:
>I'm sure glad I put that smiley face at the end of my posting. If I knew
>how to put a red face in, I would do it now. That pesky verb RXW! Since
>reading Dale Wheeler's posting, I have been trying to figure out the
>etymology for this very rare verb. Beyond those suggesed by Dale there may
>be other possibilities! Could ite be an apocopated ARXW? Did I mean to
>write the Hebrew triconsonantal stem RXM and mistype it? It could be I was
>trying to avoid vengeance. I am not a devotee of ROCK music, so it didn't
>come from there. The implications are clearly manifold; good thing Dale put
>that term in the plural, nicht?

An alternative reading suggests itself for the mysterious verb RXW: perhaps
it wasn't a Chi but a Kappa, and maybe its just ARKEI: "It is enough!"--as
in basta basta abbastanza!

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu  OR cwc@oui.com
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/


From: David Moore <dvdmoore@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 12:00:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Romans 4:13

On Wed, 1 Nov 1995 JClar100@aol.com wrote:

> Does (h epaggelia) in Romans 4:13 equate to
> (to klhponomon auton einai kosmou) in the same verse? 

KOSMOU is the way it would usually be put.  Yes, that seems correct.  
Also, it should be pointed out that the "TO" at the beginning of the 
phrase TO KLHRONOMON AUTON EINAI KOSMOU is probably there, not as an 
article for KLHRONOMON, but as an article indicating that this phrase is 
a well-known saying or concept.
> If so, would the (h tw spermati autou) mean that "his seed" are also 
> "heirs (lit., this is singular) of the  world"?  Do the constructions in this
> sentence justify
> this understanding?  If not, what is the meaning?
> I take the rest of  the verse to be translated something like this: "For the
> promise to Abraham...was not through law but through the righteousness
> of faith."  

	The ALLA, emphasizing contrast, should be understood as a fairly
strong adversative here.  Try something like "but rather by the
righteousness of faith." 

>But, I am still struggling with the use of terms like
> "righteousness" and "jusitification."  

	Aren't we all!

>However,  I can't seem to come up with
> other words which
> might better communicate in "un-theological" terminology what the meaning is.
> Any suggestions?  

David L. Moore                             Southeastern Spanish District
Miami, Florida                               of the  Assemblies of God
dvdmoore@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us           Department of Education


End of b-greek-digest V1 #937


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