Trinity and Deity

Date: Wed Sep 20 1995 - 13:23:30 EDT

I have had some experience with people involved in cults before but I have
just encounter a new twist. This fellow was at one time involved in The Way
International but came to the conclusion it was a cult and left. However he
is an adamant anti-trinitarian and flatly denies the deity of Christ. My
conclusion? He left the cult but apparently kept the doctrine. His claim?
 Both doctrines are man made and the Council of Nicea was nothing but
Catholic propoganda.

Question-- is there a good text dealing with the greek N.T passages
concerning the deity of Christ. I have just ordered Murray Harris' monograph
on the topic. Any other suggestions? Also what is a good rigorous treatment
of the Trinity that would go beyond the typical Systematic Theologies? My
goal is not so much to take this guy on as these situations usually prove
frustratingly futile. I do feel the challenge to get razor sharp in my
thinking on these two areas. Thanks in advance for recommendations


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