GRAMCORD/acCordance update

From: Rex A. Koivisto (
Date: Wed Oct 18 1995 - 17:55:23 EDT

Since some have expressed some questions in the past few weeks about the
GRAMCORD Institute, Paul Miller of the Institute asked me to pass on to
b-Greek some further information that they may wish to peruse. This is in
connection with the GRAMCORD database as it is used with the acCordance
search engine for the Macintosh. Listmembers may find this of interest.


>re: GRAMCORD search engine
>Regarding the questions concerning the GRAMCORD search engine, Macintosh
>users would be especially interested in Dr. Alexander DiLella's article
>concerning acCordance/GRAMCORD FOR THE MAC which recently appeared in Old
>Testament Abstracts (180. Volume 18, 1995). Also, a review is about to
>appear in Currents in Theology and Mission. The article was written by
>B-Greek participant Dr. Edgar Krentz, Professor at Lutheran School of
>Theology at Chicago.
>Prof. Paul A. Miller (Email:
>The GRAMCORD Institute
>2218 NE Brookview Dr., Vancouver, WA 98686, U.S.A.
> Voice (360)576-3000; FAX (503)761-0626
>Computer-Assisted Biblical Language Research (IBM & MAC)

Rex A. Koivisto Email:
Dept. of Bible and Theology Voice: 503/255-0332x415
Multnomah Bible College, Portland, OR FAX: 503/254-1268

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