Classical and Koine Differences

From: Phil (
Date: Fri Dec 08 1995 - 21:25:33 EST

Carl Conrad Wrote:

>Is anyone for Greek?

Yes, I am. I have a general question about the differences between
classical Greek and Koine. Could some of those on the list that work with
both plase give me a fairly concise list of the major differences between
the two?

My Greek studies have been unusual, I took NT Greek in High School, using
Summer's textbook (and yes, that was a Christian High School, and yes they
still teach with Summer's book, although it is now an elective class with 15
or so students each year...) I then went to a Bible College that taught one
year of Chase and Philips Classical Greek, and then went to the NT for
reading. I now am finishing up at Seminary doing exclusivly NT, but when I
go back to the Classical textbook I only see a few differences, usually
stlye and vocabulary.

Help me see the differences a bit more clearly....


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