Re: Upsilon

From: Stephen C Carlson (
Date: Wed Jan 31 1996 - 15:50:40 EST

Eric Vaughan wrote:
>Upsilon is transliterated as both "y" and "u". What is the correct (or
>accepted) pronunciation of it? I've always (probably incorrectly)
>pronounced it with a sound in between the long and short "u". I
>appreciate any answers.

During the relevant time period (c. 6th cen. B.C. to 9th cen. A.D.)
upsilon was as a high, front, rounded vowel (as in French tu, German
u-umlaut, u"). You can approximate it by trying to say "oo" and "ee"
at the same time. Before the 6th cen. B.C. it was pronounced as 'u'
(like Greek OU), and after the 9th cen. A.D. it is pronounced as 'i'
(like Greek I). I'll always attempt the French sound, but it often
comes out as a short "oo."

Stephen Carlson

Stephen C. Carlson, George Mason University School of Law, Patent Track, 4LE              : Poetry speaks of aspirations, and songs     : chant the words.  -- Shujing 2.35

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