From: Carlton L. Winbery (
Date: Thu Apr 25 1996 - 14:44:44 EDT

Doug Jantz wrote;
>I am studying Paul's Christology in Philippians. Have any of you done much
>work on the phrase EN CHRISTOS, which seems to be peculiar mostly to Paul?
> Please email me privately if you have good info on this, as I am currently
>off the list while studying this.

Right away two old books come to mind. A brief chapter in William
Barclay's The Mind of St. Paul (no doubt long out of print). And James
Stewart, A Man in Christ. Barclay tends not only to give you the facts but
chew them up and digest them for you. Stewart is a little preachy but
still a good book to read. As I recall Bultmann has a lot to say about "in
Christ" in both volumes of his Theology of the NT. If I recall correctly
he deals with it in the context of baptism and the eucharist. He takes an
"ecclestical' approach to it. Articles in Kittel on XRISTOS and SOMA as
well as other books on the church, like J.A.T Robinson, Body.

Carlton Winbery
Fogleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College

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