Re: On hearing (and uttering) Greek aloud

Date: Tue Jul 30 1996 - 14:12:42 EDT

I don't have much to add on the subject because others have addressed it so
well already. Since taking a long overdue trip to Greece last summer and
studying modern Greek to a limited extent, I would heartily endorse learning
modern Greek pronunciation. It's also very interesting to study the syntax
and compare it with classical and koine (e.g. the relation between hINA plus
subjunctive and modern Greek's NA with subjunctive for "to"). I would also
emphasize the caveats, though. I find it difficult to read modern Greek aloud
without making Erasmian errors, and vice-versa, and that indicates (at least
for me) a lot of potential confusion. One observation-question: while in
Greece, I found it very educational to look at English movies with modern
Greek subtitles. It was also interesting to watch Greek talk shows, but hard
to follow the dialog. Do any of you know of any broadcast sources in this
country for such programs? We have some similar programs in other languages
through satellite TV at the university, but none in Greek to my knowledge.

Don Wilkins
UC Riverside

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