Re: [Fwd: Re: Needed: a new atlas of the ancient world. (off topic)]

From: Mr. Timothy T. Dickens (
Date: Wed Jan 22 1997 - 22:13:27 EST

At 07:45 PM 1/22/97 -0600, Gary Hedrick wrote:
> Get thyself to a Barnes and Noble store and see if they have the NIV
>Bible Atlas. It is quite a piece of work, covers all biblical periods,
>is up-to-date archaeologically, and I use mine all the time. If you
>have a chance to see it, let me know what you think.
>Gary Hedrick

TTD: Gary, how well does the NIV atlas cover ancient Egypt, particulary
lower Egypt's distance to Cush/Ethiopia? Does it discuss in any detail the
latest findings of archeology in relation to the biblical narratives? Does
it mention other ancient historians such as Manetho, the Egyptian and
Besorus, the Chaldaean?


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