From: Clayton Bartholomew (
Date: Mon Oct 06 1997 - 06:35:22 EDT

Acts 7:24

HMUNATO (AMUNOMAI) appears several places in the LXX. In Jos 10:13
it is used for naquam, which is often rendered *to take vengeance.* It
is used in other LXX contexts to render Hebrew words that can mean
defend, ward off, cut off.

In Acts 7:24 the English translations generally translate this word as
*defend.* I think the reason they translate it thus is to avoid a
tautology. The translators want to provide a distinction between the
actions on either side of KAI.


However I wonder if this is the only way to understand the relationship
between these clauses. Let's postulate just for the sake of argument
that HMUNATO should be read as *avenge* in this context. Is it
possible, given the syntax of this verse to see HMUNATO as a
summary statement and KAI EPOIHSEN EKDIKHSIN . . . as an expansion on
this summary.

Please note that this is not really a question about lexical semantics
but a question about the syntax of this verse, and how the clauses
before and after KAI relate to each other.

Clay Bartholomew
Three Tree Point

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