Re: My response to Carlton Winbery

Date: Tue Dec 16 1997 - 12:19:53 EST

Dear Carl and Carlton,

Thanks very much for your messages to Randy. I had not planned (and do not
plan) to reply to him or the List at all; he was starting a flame against
me (now I see that it is because I am not a Christian!), and happily no one
picked up on it. He said he would be as brief as my comment--then two
lines became dozens.

I'm quite sure both of you know that I, too, regard Ephesians as Holy
Scripture, as canon, as "inspired", and in fact as the beautiful tribute of
a former slave boy to the great teacher who had managed to set him free,
and whose letters he collected, and published with this cover-letter.

As for the Greek--Carl, you really put your finger on it in your comparison
with oral prayer. One can certainly get the feeling, and the general sense
too, in this sentence, without being able to be precise about it.

Again, thanks to you both.


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