RE: hOYTOS derogatory?

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Thu Dec 18 1997 - 17:07:22 EST

>Randy, Edgar, et al.,
>Isn't hOUTOS also used familiarly? I seem to remember characters in
>Lucian addressing each other: W hOUTOS. . . .
>Grace and peace,
>A K M Adam
>Princeton Theological Seminary

Sure! Like "this" in English, hOUTOS has a wide affective spectrum,
depending on context and person addressed.

                 Edgar Krentz
                 Professor of New Testament
                 Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
                 1100 East 55th Street
                 Chicago, IL 60615
                 e-mail: office:
                Tel: 0ff.: 773-256-0752; home 773-947-8105

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