Re: Mt.1:17(14x3)

From: WmHBoyd (
Date: Sun Dec 28 1997 - 00:46:03 EST

I remember the first day of the first class of college. It was a study of the
Life of Christ. The professor explained that the three sets of 14 in Matthew
1 was done so the geanology could be memorized. So we did! The actual count
was variously explained, but the one that stuck with me was this

1. "From Abraham "to" David" - Inclusive of Abraham and David, therefore 14.
2. "From David "until" the captivity" - Inclusive of David but exclusive of
the captives, therefore, exclusive of Jeconiah (The first captive). This puts
David as the last of the first 14, and the first of the second 14. So David
is counted twice. Fitting because this is about Jesus the King.
3. "From the captivity "unto" Christ" -Inclusive of Jeconiah and Jesus - 14.

Now here is one the Greeks. - Why was hEWS translated (in KJV) first "to",
then "until" and then "unto?" All in one verse!

William the Barbarian
(formerly BanjoBoyd)
Royal Palm Beach, Fl.

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