Choice of classical grammar

From: Ed Gorham (
Date: Fri Jul 31 1998 - 14:21:27 EDT

I sent this message earlier, but did not attach my name or e-mail adress.
If this is repetitious, I apologize.
I am coming from a Koine background, and have 2 questions. How have those
of you who have also studied Koine exclusively benefitted from studying
classical Greek ? What difficulties/hurdles should I be aware of if I
embark on this? Why should a student of the NT study classical Greek in the
first place?
Secondly, I hear a lot about the two following grammars (titles/author
spellings are approximate). One is Greek - An Intensive Course by Hanson
and Quinn. The other is a two-volume work by G. Zuntz, edited by Stanley
Porter, published by Sheffield. If you've used either or both, what did
you like about them or dislike? I'd appreciate your input.
My name is Ed Gorham, and I'm a new subsriber. My e-mail address is Thanks!

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