Re: reverse index to quotations

From: Nichael Lynn Cramer (
Date: Tue Dec 08 1998 - 11:44:03 EST

Steven Cox wrote:
>1. Some time ago someone mentioned a reverse index to NT
>quotations. i.e. ordered Genesis-Malachi. (I made a mental
>note of the details, but the grey cell under which the info was
>filed appears to have died in the meantime). Can anyone help?

My copy of the UBS(4) contains both an "Index of Quotations" and an "Index
of Allusions and Verbal Parallels" and my NA(27) contains a "Loci Citati
vel Allegati", all three of which contain listings in "OT order".

>2. Does the list give any NT quotes of Ben Sira?

All but the first ("Index of Quotations" in the UBS4) contain citations by
Ben Sira.

>Best regards
>Steven Cox

Hope this helps

Nichael Cramer                        deep autumn--                   my neighbor what does she do

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