RE: "Make fences" for us the parable...

From: wross (
Date: Fri Jan 01 1999 - 21:21:30 EST

My query resulted from the fact that Avot 1.1 reads: "...they said three
things: be deliberate in judgment, raise many disciples, and make a hege
about the Torah." [transl from Judah Goldin's _The Living Talmud_]. Avot is
one of the few tractates of which we are relatively certain that its mishnah
was around in the first century. Hence, if your rationale holds true, I
wonder how likely it is that Jesus may have been playing on this passage
from Avot. I may post this idea to IOUDAIOS for further feedback.

Please note that it was the disciples who used the word in Matthew 13:36,
and specifically Peter in Matthew 15:15. The 13:36 reference is disputed
text (some have DIASAFHSON - which comes from "throughly clear" (which I was
originally confusing it with - hence the mix-up in first post). The Matthew
15:15 usage is not disputed at all.

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