UBS4 vs NA27 vs UBS3

From: One of the McKays (
Date: Fri Feb 19 1999 - 01:53:54 EST

If you were buying a Greek NT today, which would you buy? What would you
recommend for a beginner?

I have a UBS3 and am perfectly happy with it. My first one fell apart at
college, but my wife's one has lasted 20 years. Both were free, because the
Australian Bible Society used to give a copy to theological students doing
Greek [got a Tenach free too in First Year Hebrew]. Wonder if they still do?

I don't like the UBS4 italic font, and I haven't yet met anyone who does. Is
an NA27 viable for a beginner? I can't make head or tail of the apparatus,
though I guess I could work slowly through the introduction and take my dear
dad's advice [If all else fails, read the directions].

>From looking at one last night, it would not seem to give any evaluation in
the apparatus. Am I right or just myopic? [Actually I am biopic, and I still
hate bifocals!]

David McKay

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