Re: Word Order: Mark 3.1 and beyond

From: Mary Pendergraft (
Date: Fri May 14 1999 - 20:02:56 EDT

Carl W. Conrad wrote:
 (multa inter alia)

> But to get back to George's point: I've often thought that it would be a
> worthwhile exercise--something very easy to create with a computer
> program--to display sentences of Greek (or Latin or whatever language) on a
> screen one word at a time beginning with the first word and then in
> successive screens cumulatively adding words or phrases--this as a device
> to facilitate learning to think in the alien word-order. Eventually the
> more appropriate thing, once one is able to do it, is to listen to the
> sentence (or paragraph) sounded/spoken word-by-word, phrase-by-phrase, so
> that one hears and puts together the sentence as does the native speaker
> and hearer of that language.

There is such a thing, the Reading Acceleration Machine of Claude Pavur, St. Louis
University--available for free downloading:

I'm not sure it will handle a Greek font, but I've found it useful for my Latin

Mary Pendergraft
Wake Forest University

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