Used book search engines [was: Moule's Idiom Book]

From: Nichael Cramer (
Date: Fri Aug 27 1999 - 10:08:28 EDT

Jim West wrote:
>At 09:10 AM 8/27/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>How hard is it to get this book? I have an opportunity to buy it for $25.00
>>used, and I'm not sure whether to take it or not.
>25$ used???? save your money. You will run across it at some used
>theological book store somewhere for 5 or 10.

For future reference:

On the book page on my homepage

are listed several several "used books" search engines.

A quick search on "moule" turns up several copies of the idioms book in the
$10-15 range.


Nichael Cramer                           nulla dies sine linea

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