Re: Translation

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Mon Oct 11 1999 - 09:31:40 EDT

At 4:59 PM -0700 10/10/99, Steve Puluka wrote:
>I beg to differ with Carl in terminology but probably not in spirit.
>William G. Heidt, OSB in his booklet on Hermeneutics from Liturgical Press
>in Collegeville, MN, defines Hermeneutics as:
>"The word Hermeneutics is derived from Hermes, the god who interpreted or
>heralded the plans of Olympus to designated recipients.
>The process of propounding the meaning of Sacred Scripture involves three
>major steps. First of all an analysis must be made of the various ways in
>which ideas are expressed; then clarification must be made of the means by
>which the meanings of a given passage may be detected; thirdly, the methods
>employed to express the message in times past and present must be studied.
>Technically these three areas of investigation are called noematics,
>heuristics and prophoristics respectively."
>I believe this is what we do well on b-greek, especially, noematics.

I honestly think it would be wisest to drop this whole discussion, as it
does indeed head toward the slippery slope. My original intention in
drawing a distinction between "hermeneutics with lower-case 'h'" and
"Hermeneutics with upper-case 'H'" was to concede that any intelligent
reading of a Greek text, Biblical or otherwise, MUST take the context into
consideration, while insisting at the same time that Biblical students and
scholars are of very different minds, often owing to their theology and
faith-commitment, over what exactly constitutes the entire context of any
particular passage--and that Hermeneutics in this sense is outside the
scope of B-Greek discussion.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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