Re: Lexicons

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 15:10:27 EST

Michael McCoy wrote;

>Does anyone recommend or know of a lexicon by Bruce Metzger called
>something like Lexicon of New Testament Greek Based Upon Semantic Domains?
Michael, I think you are talking about Louw and Nida, Greek-English Lexicon
of the NT Based on Semantic Domains (UBS). I highly recommend this lexicon.
If the new edition of BAGD were out, I would recommend getting that first
and the UBS lexicon next. But I have trouble recommending students to get
the BAGD at this late date when a revised edition is "at the printers."
The UBS Lexicon is very strong on contextual study of text, something that
for me is not an option.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Prof. of Religion
Louisiana College Box 612
Pineville, LA 71359
Phones 318 487 7241, Home 318 448 6103

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