SBL Update

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Sat Nov 13 1999 - 17:11:15 EST

Here's the list of B-Greeks who have (so far) contacted me regarding
attendance of the B-Greek meeting at SBL at the Gramcord booth on
Saturday (Nov. 20th) at 11am.

Those we can definitely expect:

Bill Skelton
Mark Goodacre
Stephen Carlson
AKM Adam
Carlton Winberry
Norman Hutchinson
Tom Conry
Ron Ross
Scott Sherwood
Benjamin Raymond
Randal Buth
Edward Hobbs
Susan Jeffers
Christopher Stanley
Bill Warren
Michael Palmer
Lyn Rubier-Capron

Those who will be at SBL but who are are uncertain about being able to
turn up (because of possible schedule conflicts):

Christopher Hutson

Regrets (and much to everyone's disappointment)

Carl Conrad

So quire a bunch! And we'll also see some faces there from C-P, XTalk,
Synoptic-L, and Kata Markon.

I'll be sending along shortly a lists of those of "us" who are also
presenting at SBL (as where as info on when and where these
presentations will be).

If you are intending to attend SBL (and the B-Greek hob nob), but have
not yet informed me of this, please let me know (off list), so that
we'll know to expect you.



Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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