Why study Greek?

From: David A Bielby (dbielby@juno.com)
Date: Sun Dec 12 1999 - 00:31:33 EST

Dear Jim,

I like this question because it reminds me of why I picked Greek back up
a three plus years ago. And this encourages me to press on! I had
dropped Greek after finishing grammar and doing some translation. I
study Greek because it takes me closer to the words of the one I
love...Jesus. For me, connecting the academics to a real love for Jesus
has driven me on into the text. I see Greek as taking me closer to the
spiritual flames of wisdom that came from Jesus' mouth. So, because I
love Him, I dig into Greek.

I also study Greek so that I can correct popular theological error that
seeps into my congregation through different media sources. Often I hear
teachings based on Greek word definitions which leave out the portions
which would bring balance to the teaching. By studying I can correct
error and present truth with more confidence.

My concerns about studying Greek are that I can slip into pride....miss
the presence of the Holy Spirit who guides me into truth by relying too
much on my own mind.....and end up in endless wranglings of words that
don't help me build a healthy church. So, I make an effort to stay
focused on loving Jesus and pursuing humility in my study. That's why I
subscribe to B-Greek, BTW, because the knowledge of others humbles me
every time I read it.

David Bielby
the Vineyard
'a contemporary church'
Bloomington/Normal, Illinois USA
dbielby@juno.com Phone: 309-827-8292

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