Re: I John 3:2 and I John 2:28

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 04:09:20 EST

>From: Daniel L Christiansen <>

> Perhaps this is quibbling, but it seems to me that just because a term falls
> within the temporal category, it is not thereby disqualified from also being
> in the conditional category. In the sentence "When I am hungry, I eat," the
> "when" indicates the [temporal] conditions under which the action of eating
> takes place. In the same way, EAN may indicate a more general condition that
> implied by the English "if" or "since."


I don't think that is just a quibble. It looks to me like an explanation
of syntactical polysemy which is a notion that I spend a fair amount of
time harping on, until people get tired of it.


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