RE: Wever's Note's on Greek text of Genesis

From: Mark Gibbs (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 16:11:26 EST

:c.s.bartholomew wrote:
>Can anyone tell me in 25 words or more what is valuable about
>Wever's Note's on Greek text of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus?
>Are these titles likely to be useful to someone who uses the LXX a
>Thanks for your help on this.

I have found Wever's work particularly helpful for my own purposes. I
studying the LXX in 1 Clement and as the LXX is far from my area of
his insight is invaluable for my work.

Further question to add to this thread...

The Gottingen LXX is totally inaccessible except for the wealthy. The
access in going to the library (if one's local library source happens to
it). Does anyone know if this great work (even in a state of relative
incompletion)will be made more readily available?

M. Gibbs

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