Re: Colossians 2:20-23

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (
Date: Sun Apr 16 2000 - 15:20:01 EDT

Dear Jason,
     The "elemental spirits" interpretation for STOICEIA in Col 2:20-23 is
the dominant interpretation today, I think, but you should check out Markus
Barth's commentary on Colossians. He argues persuasively that STOICEIA
refers to something like "elementary things." He uses your point that the
meaning "elementary spirits" only appears later. In general, a good
commentary on Colossians is the one by James Dunn. The things in Col
2:20-23 have to do with fleshly requirements, probably related to the
Mosaic Law (cf. vv. 16).

                                        Harold Holmyard

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