Re: Book Evaluation Requested

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 17:59:44 EDT

Gary Dykes wrote;

>Alas, I have spent over a decade studying numerous Byzantine (and earlier)
>NT manuscripts. And the "-TG" combination is not rare, but this particular
>word form is rather unusual, (it is not seen on the TLG_e or the PHI 7
>databases). In most of the NT MSS samples they are clearly a "-TG". Swanson
>is absolutely correct in showing them. Why some scribes (MS 1424, 1071 et
>cetera) wrote KRABATYON as opposed to the usual KRABATTON is probably due
>to one of several causes:
>(1) The scribe's own dialect (his/her pronunciation) guided him. As these
>particular minuscules seem to be of a Provencial nature.
>(2) In the Byzantine era, this may have been an actual correct spelling due
>to their phonetics.
>I personally insisted that Reuben show such details. I can share more
>examples off site.
>"Swanson's site" is my site, I took the picture of him in his study. If you
>have any contributions to make (to any and all) DO CONTRIBUTE
Now, I remember. I even have a bookmark at the site. Thanks for the site.

I have been working with Byzantine minuscules a few years also. We can
multiply samples but always the spelling TG comes in a word that can be
spelled with TT, never anywhere else to my knowledge. I think therefore
that it introduces extraneous information into the evidence that has no
useful purpose. I tend to agree with Metzger here that it should be
recorded as evidence to TT not TG. It is dificult to think that a scribe
who has had morning coffee and is alert would think that the word should be
pronounced KRA-BAT-GON instead of KRA-BAT-TON.

Let me make it clear that this is minor, even picky and that I appreciate
very much what Swanson has done and am anxious to get the next volume.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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