Re: Mark 7:4

From: Wayne Leman (
Date: Tue May 02 2000 - 13:28:45 EDT

I would think BAPTIZW refers to "washing" of anything, not just a specific
object, as was asked about washing of tables in a previous message. And even
tho I happen to have been raised as a Baptist, I doubt that the tables were
immersed!! :-) They were simply washed, with sufficient water placed on
them, perhaps with a cloth, as I wash tables, to make them clean.
Translating BAPTIZW as "wash" would nicely correlate with "washing of
regeneration" (Titus 3:5), since baptism by/in the Spirit and
regeneration/washing by the Spirit may be regarded by Paul as parallel (or
perhaps even nearly the same) action.

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