Re: Transliterated texts/grammars/lexicons?

From: David Baines (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 21:09:57 EDT

Thanks Dennis and everyone else who responded!

>From: (Dennis Hukel)
>Subject: Re: Transliterated texts/grammars/lexicons?
>Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 17:34:58 -0700
>Dear David,
>No! I am not aware of any Greek texts, grammars or lexicons printed in
>transliterated Latin letters, not even at the
>most fundamental level.
>The only people who ask your question are those just beginning Greek study.
>It is so easy to learn the alphabet (it is
>usually accomplished in the first week), afterwhich, transliterations only
>hold you back! Any layperson interested in
>using Greek reference works, even if they have no intention to learn Greek
>as a language, should still learn the Greek
>alphabet. If you want to find the dictionary form of a word inflected with
>consonant amalgamation or vowel contraction,
>you are lost!
>I recently wrote to one person who thought we should use English puncuation
>in our Greek texts instead of the Greek
>punctuation forms derived from the old minuscule manuscripts. I told him
>the same as I tell you. This is the way
>Greek has been written and printed for over 1000 years. If you don't learn
>the old forms you don't know what they mean
>when you use any old or recent book in Greek. If you do learn them (and
>they are quite easy to learn) then you don't
>need the English forms!
>I have seen thousands of Greek texts. The only ones I've ever seen
>transliterated are some which were done on computers
>when they did not have a Greek font or needed to capture word forms on
>software which would not work on Greek fonts. In
>b-greek, they have been trying for years to come up with a Greek font which
>everybody can read on their e-mail; maybe
>this year.
>So, tell all you layperson friends that it is real easy to learn the Greek
>alphabet; afterwhich all the wonderful
>reference works are open to them.
>Don't look back!
>Dennis Hukel

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