[b-greek] Reasons NOT to Study Greek

From: George Young (gwyoung@morgan.ucs.mun.ca)
Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 14:50:04 EDT

Students should NOT endeavor to learn the complexities of ancient Greek

1. If the student's principal purpose is to get to know 'Her' better.

2. If the student believes that s/he might get more conversions by means of
flashy 'Greek' rhetoric.

3. If the student believes that a god or gods will help them achieve what
only can be achieved through hard academic perseverance.

George W. Young, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies
Queen's College Faculty of Theology
210 Prince Philip Drive
St. John's NF
Tel. (709) 753-0116
Fax. (709) 753-1214
email: gwyoung@morgan.ucs.mun.ca

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