[b-greek] Re: James 1:21

From: Braulio Barillas (parakal@quetzal.net)
Date: Sun Oct 22 2000 - 01:08:45 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: One of the McKays <musicke@ozemail.com.au>
To: Biblical Greek <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Date: Viernes 20 de Octubre de 2000 02:59 AM
Subject: [b-greek] James 1:21

>My pastor and I get together once a week to do a bit of Greek. We are in 1
>John, but he is preaching on James and so we were looking at James 1:21 and
>discovered that his UBS 3 has a comma after EN PRAUTHTI, but my UBS 3 has
>comma at all.
>How do you think this verse should be broken up? Are there any clue? All
>the translations I have consulted put EN PRAUTHTI with DEXASQE. I don't
>understand why his later revision of UBS has the comma. Mine is dated 1978
>and his is some time in the 80s.
>David McKay
Apreciado b-greek David McKay
La 27 NA tiene coma después de EN PRAUTHTI podría ser por que P 1852
contiene el sustantivo SOFIAS.
Aun así la coma no altera el significado en este particular caso.

The NT, NA 27 has the comma after EN PRAUTHTI, would be, because P1852 has
the noun SOFIAS. The comma in this case no change the mean.
Braulio Barillas

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