[b-greek] Re: Facsimile of Robertson's Grammar

From: Polycarp66@aol.com
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 12:18:15 EST

In a message dated Wed, 20 Dec 2000 1:30:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Dave
Sherrill" <cultrsch@pionet.net> writes:

<< Does anyone think there would be any interest in an electronic facsimile
edition of Robertson's monster grammar, or is it so out of date that this
would be a waste of effort? Now that I think of it, I'm assuming it is in
the public domain. Is it?

Dave Sherrill
Sioux City, Iowa


I broached the possibility with Harry Plantinga who runs the CCEL
(www.ccel.org) of putting it in HTML for them. He tells me that anything
prior to 1923 in in the public domain. By the time you get finished
transcribing it and putting in all the links, it should be in the public

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