[b-greek] 1050 List-members?

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 15:04:41 EST

There are 1050 subscribers to B-Greek; only a couple dozen normally rise
above the level of lurker, but ALL are welcome, and presumably all those
subscribers find something in an internet discussion of Biblical Greek
grammar and texts that contributes to their understanding of Biblical Greek
texts and the language. So why are we using this list to complain about the
technology as the sure ruination of serious Biblical study?

At 6:57 AM -0600 1/5/01, Rev. Cynthia T. Hinson wrote:
>Oddly enough we all learned language with a machine much faster and more
>'stimulus responsive' than any modern computer -- and without any cognitive
>exertion whatsoever. When the incentive is high enough, I'm sure even
>clicks and interlinears are productive for Greek scholar wannabees --
>perhaps even more productive than some other methods (a fact established in
>many linguistic/ESL studies.) This thread is curious for this list...

I said something similar a moment ago:

At 1:39 PM -0600 1/5/01, Carl W. Conrad wrote:
>Really I don't think this is the proper forum to lament the fact that we
>live in the 21st century; while I think we must become as fully as aware as
>we can, as we can become aware of them, of the perils involved, but I
>hardly think that we can reject the computer revolution and nod our heads
>and assert to all the world that it is surely a sad day for New Testament
>scholarship and serious biblical study; I rather think it's exciting.

and then:
At 6:57 AM -0600 1/5/01, Rev. Cynthia T. Hinson wrote:

>Blessings -- and back in the hole for me....

And why don't we hear more from the Rev. Cynthia and her fellow-lurkers????


Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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