[b-greek] Re: Gramcord

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 01:29:29 EST

on 11/1/01 8:44 PM, One of the McKays wrote:

> Carlton, can you give us an example of something you can do faster in
> Accordance than in programs such as Gramcord or BibleWorks 5, please?
> David McKay

Greetings David,

Carlton is now asleep, I would assume.

I have never seen or used: Gramcord or BibleWorks 5. So my answer may be
off the target. I am assuming that these products use algebraic search
specifications. This may not be the case.

The speed of Accordance is mostly due to the graphic/iconic method of
building search specifications using the construct window. There is no
syntax to mess with in the construct window. The complexity of searches
possible using multiple construct windows is daunting. I have had used the
product since the prerelease 0.8 version (fall of '94) and I am still
learning to use it.

There are searches that a novice user of Accordance can construct quickly
which would border on the impossible using a algebraic statement interface.

The bottom line is that you don't need to be a Programmer/Analyist to use
Accordance. Non-nerds can build very sophisticated search specifications.
People who flunked out of algebra can use this system with no pain.

The speed is in the human engineering.

Carlton may be speaking of execution speed, the time it takes for a search
to process but the most important speed of Accordance is the time it saves
you setting up your search.



Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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