[b-greek] PARA HEAUTW in 1 Cor 16:2

From: Frazier Conley (fconley@airmail.net)
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 10:11:03 EST

As I look at PARA with the dative in Paul he seems to greatly favor the
figurative usage over the literal, often with the meaning "in the judgment
of." Why is this meaning never considered for 1 Cor 16:2? Wouldn't the
passage make much better sense if it were rendered: "On the first day of
every week each of you according to his own judgment contribute, thus
storing up whatever he may have prospered." Paul's principle of "how much"
to give would be better honored (2Corinthians 8.3; 9.7; Philem 14). Trying
to find a principle for "how much" in the latter part of the verse has
resulted in what appears to me to be utter confusion.

Frazier Conley, Whitewright, Texas

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