[b-greek] Re: Greek computer programs (plus learning strategy for first-year Greek)

From: Ken Smith (kens@180solutions.com)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 14:01:10 EDT

I might have to disagree on that, Clay. I've been using BibleWindows 6
for the last year, and have found that it dramatically speeds up my
ability to read both Greek and Hebrew, and hence lets me move through
much larger quantities of text with a much less significant investment
of time. I've been reading Isaiah lately (in Hebrew), and after
spending two hours doing nothing much but hunting through BDB (and
swearing very un-Isaiah-like things, much to my wife's amusement), I
finally moved back to BibleWindows. Hunting down hapax legomena Hebrew
roots with two weak radicals is neither (a) fun, nor (b) productive,
especially when I could get exactly the same thing, learn just as much,
and work through far more chapters, by letting the computer do its own
swearing at BDB.

Ken Smith

> I think that BibleWorks and Accordance are wonderful
> analysis tools for doing research. For general reading I
> think they should be avoided.
> thanks again,
> Clay

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