What is Women's Studies?

Women's Studies may be defined as a variety of academic pursuits. At UNC-CH, Women's Studies is broadly defined as the study of gender in the areas of science, humanities, and the social sciences.

At UNC-CH, the program is housed in Caldwell Hall, on the picturesque univeristy campus.

To find out more about the UNC-CH program, select one of the following items:

We would like to thank Dr. Jane Burns, the acting director of the Women's Studies program for providing the information contained in this section. Here Dr. Jane Burns (left) is pictured with a WS graduate assistant.

For further information, send your correspondence to:

       Curriculum in Women's Studies
       Caldwell Hall, Room 207D
       CB# 3135 
       Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3135
or call the program's office at (919) 962-3908.

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