Issues and Causes

KIDLINK, an organisation which seeks to unite children around the world via electronic means. You can request information about KIDLINK by sending a note to with GET KIDLINK GENERAL in the body of the text.

Far West Laboratory is a non-profit agency providing educators and policymakers with information and support based on the best information from educational research and practice. They maintain a presence in school reform by "translating the best research into practice, providing state-of-the-art knowledge and assistance and promoting the kind of risk taking that leads to real change".

Youth for Understanding is a non-profit organization that organizes homestay programs for high school students in over 30 countries. The YFU Home Page provides information for those who are interested in becoming an exchange student or host family. It also has a link to the YFU Alumni Page providing information for former exchange students.

Encouraging students to perform in the arts as part of their development come naturally to teachers of all areas. However, many times the arts are downplayed despite the beneficial role they have in the lives of many children. Visit The American Council for the Arts to see what you can do to incorporate the arts into your teaching, and how to demonstrate your support for the arts in the classroom.