The Virtual Schoolhouse

Schools on the Net

Elementary Schools
List of over 500 elementary school web sites, compiled alphabetically and by state.
Secondary Schools
Over 300 secondary school home pages, listed alphabetically and by state.
International Schools
50 international schools' web sites, listed by country and region.
State and County School Boards
Every state that has a school board on the web -- listed here! Also includes county and local school board sites as we receive them.
American School Directory
This directory, the resource to find schools in the United States has listings and contact addresses for 106,000 K-12 schools.

Please note that the schools listed here, while being a representative sample of the schools on the Internet, are only those which have been submitted to us. If you're interested in having your school or school board included in this list, please use our handy mailform to submit your URL.

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