Star Cearch Schools

April, 1998
EPL Patras

EPL Patras, Hellas, Greece


Why do we like this site?

The EPL Patras site is a very impressive example of one's school's site. The school is a multi-lingual school in Hellas, Greece, with about nine hundred students between fifteen and eighteen years of age, and eighty-five teachers. Its website is a well-designed introduction to the school, its programs, and the work its students are doing.

Fortunately for those of us who don't speak Greek, the site has information in four other languages: English, French, Italian and German. Not all information is available in those languages, however. Follow the link "Greek Fonts" from their main page to download the proper fonts for viewing all text.

As for the site itself, it contains a great deal of information on the subject matter studied at EPL Patras, as well as some scans of stunningly beautiful student art. It also contains a quiz on student subject matter, multiple pages about school events, examples of written work by students, and a neatly organized, easily navigable site rich in graphics but not impossible to load in a reasonable amount of time. Also, the test-to-graphics ratio is nicely high. This isn't a fluffy, pretty site with no actual value. It's an attractive site full of information.

One of the most pleasing things about it, though, is its versatility of language. The EPL Patras site remembers something almost all sites in English-speaking nations forget: there are others in the world who would enjoy and benefit from our resources, but who can't speak English. In order to offer a truly global site, one must remember that global audience is made up of people from a variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The work required to meet that demand is well worth the result, in the end.

Who are the people behind this site?

The EPL Patras site is designed and maintained by Spiradon Papadakis, of the EPl Patras School.


Images on this page are from the EPL Patras website.

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